Blog Archives

Terrorism is supposed to make us stupid

Midland County’s Sheriff is prepared to deal with the terrorist group, ISIS. In remarks on a series of news shows last month the West Texas lawman explained his plans to cope with the imminent danger and expressed his certainty, despite

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Posted in Foreign Policy

Why Sorenson will go to jail and Perry won’t

Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson pled guilty this week to Federal charges that are likely to send him to prison. The influential Tea Party Senator accepted $73,000 from the Ron Paul campaign in 2012 to shift his endorsement from Michele

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Posted in Election 2016, Texas

Surprise: Slashing Governing Income Slashes Government Income

It wasn’t so long ago that Republicans were genuinely the party of fiscal responsibility. Ronald Reagan, who presumably now occupies a throne at the right hand of The Lord, raised taxes eleven times over the course of his Presidency. Why

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Posted in Economics, Taxes, Tea Party

How climate change is already affecting us

If you have tried to purchase a vacation home on Galveston Island in recent years, you may have discovered the crazy new insurance rules that are changing the real estate game. If the property you are purchasing did not survive

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Posted in Climate Change

A Houston Republican on marriage, fundamentalism and the culture wars

Here’s a little quiz. Which raving lefty in the Democratic Party penned this: We do not live in a theocracy. Our country is not a church. And that is by design. The Founders of this country insisted upon religious freedom.

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Posted in Civil Rights, Uncategorized

Steve Stockman won’t go away

A poll released today shows Steve Stockman potentially forcing a runoff in the Republican primary for the US Senate seat currently held by John Cornyn. This news is particularly stunning as Stockman has been almost entirely absent from the campaign

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Posted in Election 2014, Republican Party

Remembering Martin Luther King on Confederate Heroes Day

Today is Confederate Heroes Day in Texas. If it seems like a strange coincidence that Confederate Heroes Day is placed awkwardly close to the date we celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, that’s because it’s not a coincidence.

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Posted in Civil Rights, Neo-Confederate, Texas

How Texas Disciplines Unchaste Women

The anger that’s pouring out against the Legislature over a new round of draconian anti-abortion rules has actually been building up for several years. Religious fundamentalists, let off the leash by the Texas GOP, have been placing provisions on the

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Posted in Reproductive Rights, Republican Party, Texas

The Cost of Living in Houston

Houston is famously cheap. Gov. Perry is buying radio ads touting the benefits of cheap to Yankees who may be puzzled by Texas’ success in delivering such a wondrously low cost of living. As a Texan in exile, I can fill

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Posted in Neo-Confederate, Republican Party, Tea Party, Texas

Texas is not Pro-Life

A pair of Scottish businessmen found themselves alone late at night in Houston’s elite Memorial neighborhood. They went knocking on doors hoping someone would let them call a cab. Peter De Vries, age 28, was shot and killed by a

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Posted in Neo-Confederate, Religious Right, Reproductive Rights

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